Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Student Teacher

We have enjoyed having Mrs F. helping us with our learning. We look forward to seeing her again in Term 3. 

The Amazon River

We read a fiction and non-friction text about the Amazon river. We learnt how to use Encyclopedia Britannica to find out more interesting facts about the Amazon river.

Monday, 23 May 2016


It  was  a  windy  and a  cloudy  day. The  old  woman  was  looking  for  things  and  for treasure. The  old  woman  looked  poor, old , dirty, and helpful.
The  old  woman   was   in  a  rubbish  dump with  old  dirty  things.  There  were  lots  of  thing  in  that  place.  

The  old  woman  found  a  Treasure.  It  was a
shining, sparkling, glittering, gold and white  ring.  Then  the  old  woman  went  inside  her  yellow tent.  She  had  no  light  at  all.  It  was  dark  inside  her  tent.  

She  put  the  candle on  the  plate  it  was  shining, yellow, pretty  and  beautiful. She got  the  umbrella  open  then  she  got  out  her  yellow  dirty  mask.  It  was  from  the  dirty  rubbish  dump.  Then  she   got  the  blue  thing  and  two  christmas  trees.  They were green, red  yellow. Then  she  put  the  ring  in  the mask.   Surprisingly  the  light  came  up  just  in  time.  It was  shining yellow.  Then  there  were  dark  dots  on  the  tent but  it  wasn't outside  on  the  tent,  it  was  inside  the  tent.   

Finally she sat  down  on  her  soft,  pretty,  beautiful,  warm  chair.  She  was  like  sleeping. The  old  woman   felt  very  happy, glad, proud and delighted.     


Hockey Skills

Hockey is really exercising. It makes you get thinner and stronger. You dribble the ball with the stick.   Harpreet

Hockey makes you learn how to dribble a ball into a goal. You play with friends. It's fun and hard work!    Tanishka

Hockey makes you strong. You play with a team. You have to work together.   Vijayata

Hockey is a good thing to play because it teaches you to be a team player.    Jasleen


Hockey is a game where you use a hockey stick and a hard hockey ball. Use the flat side of the stick, not the curved side!     Jolene

Hockey is fun to join in because you learn to play the game. Maybe you could play in a team and even score a goal!     Rajveer

I learned to dribble the ball. It is fun learning to play hockey. The ladies tell us what to do and how to do it.  Aniket

At hockey we learned how to keep the ball down low so we can hit the ball but not hurt anyone.  Giselle

 Every Tuesday we learn how to play hockey. We play it on the turf. We have two coaches called Rochelle and Lulu.   Nicole

When we play hockey on the turf we have to wear a mouth guard. I hit the ball hard to the goal!   Peter

Hockey makes you healthier because it makes you fitter. When you grow up you could be a good hockey player.   Tanurit

I like flicking the ball in hockey so I can get the ball to my team mate. goalies are important because their job is to deflect the ball and stop a goal!     Nirmit

We learn to dribble the ball. You keep the ball on the stick and go around the other team. Keep the ball way from them!    Kenneth

Sunday, 22 May 2016


One cold day there was a poor, old lady who lived in a rubbish dump. One night she went out looking for some useful stuff. She had red glasses and white hair.

She found a yellow umbrella. She marched quietly like a soldier, Her clothes were torn apart part. When she found old stuff she thought it was treasure to her.

When she got in the car she turned the steering wheel. Then she smelt the small tree. She heard a small noise. She looked in a little box and there was a diamond ring. The diamond ring was as shiny as the sun. When she saw the ring she put it on her hand.

Friday, 20 May 2016


One cold day an old lady was looking for some treasure. She had dirty clothes. The old lady had big glasses. She was poor.
She had a basket to take she went to a car. She leaned over the seat and the seat went backwards.

She found a gold box.  In the gold box was some jewelry. She found a silver diamond ring. It was shiny.

She went to her house and decorated her house. The ring sparkled the house. She felt happy as she relaxed on her old chair.

She looked around and she saw a shooting star. She prayed to god. She said I want neighbors to speak to.


On a creepy, windy night, there was an old lady who went shopping in the dump. Her name was Molly. 

First she got a broken umbrella, then she found a car. She sat in it and smelled the Christmas tree. There was a bell but suddenly she found a jewellery box.  In that jewellery box there was a ring and other stuff like earrings. Then she got her trolley and went home. The trolley was silver like metal. 

When she arrived home she got some fire and lit the candle. Next she covered the candle with a creepy mask. Then she put on the small christmas tree.  After that she put up a  hanger.  Finally she put a ring in front of the candle. It made a disco ball.

The old lady was surprised. She was creative. She sat in her rusty chair and watched the tiny balls which were as shiny as the sun. She was amazed.  She liked it so much she didn't leave her rusty chair,  she was too busy watching the glorious ball.                                                                                                                                                                                                          

More Cinquains

Monday, 16 May 2016

Google Slides

We have been learning to use Google slides. We can now take a snapshot with the Chromebook camera and insert into our slide. 

About Me Cinquains


About Me Cinquains

New Chromebooks

On our first day back, after the holidays, we had a big surprise waiting for us in our classroom. It was a class set of Chromebooks! A Chromebook is a small laptop. It doesn’t have software on it but accesses Google Chrome programmes in the cloud.

We have been learning how to look after our Chromebook and to use them for learning.We are able to log in to our Google Drive account and create new documents to do our writing and reading activities in.We are also learning to work on a shared document with a buddy.We are looking forward to using our Chromebooks in all subject areas.