Monday, 29 August 2016

Hiwi the Kiwi Show

When Manurewa Central school walked through the auditorium doors there was groovy music on. First Minstrel said, “Okey dokey.” Then the crowd shouted out, “Hokey pokey,” and that meant we need to be quiet as a mouse so we could listen to Minstrel.

The first lesson he told us was to always have a fishing ruler when you're fishing.If the fish  is too big it might have baby fish in its tummy so you carefully put it back in the water with a wet towel. If the fish is too tiny you need to put it back in the water because it is a baby and it needs to grow much bigger.

Always pick up a fish with a wet towel because it has this special sunscreen on it and if you wipe it off by just touching it and putting it back in the water it will die.

When you catch your fish put the fish in salt ice because a fish lives in salt water and if you put it in fresh water it won’t taste nice.

Minstrel told us a story about life jackets.The story was... there were 3 strong men that were really good swimmers who thought that they didn’t need life jackets even when the boat was going really fast and the life jackets were in front of the boat.Then all the 3 men went flying out of the boat. They could swim but the boat left them and now they have passed away and that's why you should always wear life jacket.

My favourite part was when the whole school sang “Kai moana, fish from the sea. Kaimoana to feed the family. Fish for the future and there will always be more kaimoana for you and me.”

Monday, 15 August 2016

NZ Read Aloud

We have joined the NZreadaloud group on Edmodo this term.  Our first book is the wonderful picture book "Fuzzy Doodle" written by Melinda Szymanik and illustrated by Donovan Bixley.

We have been exploring the poetic devices and figurative language the author has used. The author has used the life cycle of a caterpillar as a metaphor for the creative process of writing a book.

Here are some of our "Fuzzy Doodle Life Cycles" we created to share with our Edmodo groups.