Monday 29 February 2016

What If Story

What if I lived under the sea?

If I lived under the sea I would be the mighty Megalodon so my skin is as strong as metal and my teeth the size of a head. I would be able to swipe so hard and so I could go on camera. I would have 1346 teeth, swim as fast as a cheetah and water pounce on my predators. I would also be able to be famous because of how big I am. I would also be as long as three buses in a row. I could even win in a battle with 4 swordfishes just by a bite. I could even see Sponge Bob Square Pants and say he's my buddy. I would also be really safe as a building just sitting there.


  1. I like how Laim would have 1346 teeth.Maya

  2. That's a very awesome what if story Liam.Kenneth
