Sunday 27 November 2016

Crocodile Which loved cake

Once upon a time there lived a girl called Blossom. One day she thought of making a crocodile with a dragon tail, mouse ears, whiskers, butterfly wings and pink spikes.

One day she was laying around. When she woke up she found that her crocodile was nowhere to be found. “Where has the crocodile gone?”

Suddenly she heard something familiar. It was her dad and the crocodile was not a crocodile anymore it was a dog. But it still loved cake. Once a day Blossom’s dad fed it cake. Everyday dad loved it and  took her to science school.

She made medicine and potions for people from all over the world even China. They all had a very happy ending. But one day her mum died from a brain surgery. She had a black surgery ignition.  She always got angry about little things and killed them. The next minute she fainted but this time she didn’t faint, she died.


  1. I liked that you used some adjecives .

  2. I like the way you put adjective. From Tanurit

  3. you have amazing work

    forme alex

  4. I like the way you used adjective. Tanishka
