Sunday 27 November 2016

The Missing Robot

One day a boy called James tried to mow the lawn Then he had an idea. He made a robot because his dad told him to mow the lawn but he was tired.

When the robot was mowing the lawn James was having a rest. When he woke up he noticed the robot was gone. James heard people screaming. He realised he couldn't find his robot so he made another robot. It was called a chocolate maker. Every morning for breakfast he ate chocolate milkshake and chocolate pancakes. For dinner he had chocolate bunny. He was so greedy he couldn’t even share.  He even fried chocolate.

Then he ran out of chocolate so he made another robot. He was a baker. Everyday  he ate cupcakes, cakes, chocolate cake and bread. He loved his new robot. He even slept with the robot.

The next morning he woke up and the robot was cooking James's breakfast. It was a chocolate star cake. After he had his breakfast, he had a banana milkshake.

Then he went home and played on his xbox 360. The robot made cupcakes. James ate that for dinner.The next morning he saw a note on the door handle. It said, “Goodbye my buddy. I had to run away because I think you are trying to get rid of me. I got rid of myself so you do not smash me. I heard about the two other robots”…… THE END

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